Women's Ministry

Spring Event

The Trinity Women's Ministry invites you to their Spring Event on Saturday, April 27th. Guest speaker Miriam Ezell will be discussing Why Journaling? How and Why to be Quiet and Hear God's Voice. Lunch will be served following the presentation. This event is open to all women (16 years and older). Cost is $25 per person and advanced registration is required.

Optional workshops offered after lunch (1:00-2:00pm).
1.  A Closer Look at Journaling - This workshop, taught by Miriam Ezell, goes in-depth about journaling techniques not covered during the main session. A notebook will be provided so participants can practice during the session. 
2. Soap Making - Learn to make soap the old-fashioned way, scented with essential oils. We'll discuss the importance of essential oils from Biblical times and how they can be used in today's homes. Participants will go home with their own "cup" of soap that can be cut at home.
3. Health Boosting Habits- Spring brings the opportunity to turn a new leaf. Attend this workshop and learn healthy habits and see recipes demonstrated that can be used for boosting your health. Participants will sample foods created that day. 

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