- What is TECMANIA week?
TECMANIA at Trinity is a week of FUN activities for kids and teens. We have a Kidmania morning program for elementary students entering grades 1-5, and a Middle School Mania program for students entering grades 6-9. Students entering grades 4-9 are invited to stay for our afternoon Sportsmania program as well, which includes sports activities at Ipswich River Park, fun games, team challenges and a trip to New England Water Park in Danvers. High school students entering grades 10-12 and college students are invited to serve as a leader in any of our programs.
When is the deadline to register?
The deadline to register for TECMANIA week is Friday, June 13th. Anyone requesting to sign up after that time should email Mat Gansenberg at Mat@TrinityNR.org.
Is TECMANIA a religious event? Do I need to attend Trinity or a church in order to participate?
You do not need to attend a local church in order to participate in TECMANIA. Everyone is welcome and invited, regardless of their faith background. We believe that God is good and will talk about His love everyday. So while we play crazy games, compete for prizes, throw water balloons, and build friendships, we will also share some stories from the Bible and talk about how they can help us in our lives today.
What are the different programs offered?- KidMania: 9-12pm for students entering grades 1-5. Kids are placed in small groups, called crews, and travel through stations, including games, activities, stories, and snacks.
- Middle School Mania: 9-12pm for students entering grades 6-9. Students participate in team challenges, engaging small group discussions, and games at Ipswich River Park.
- SportsMania: 12-4pm for students entering grades 4-9 who are also participating in the morning programs. Activities include crazy games, sports, and a trip to New England Water Park.
- Nursery and PreSchool programs are available for the children of our volunteers.
**Because team building and fostering community are high priorities, students are expected to participate all 5 days.
What is the cost to attend TECMANIA?
The morning programs are FREE. The cost for students entering grades 6-9 to stay for the afternoon SportsMania program is $125 for the week.
We do offer a few partial scholarships. If you have a need, please complete
this form as soon as possible, but no later than June 13..
Do you have to attend TECMANIA every day in order to participate?
Students should attend the full week so they can experience all that TECMANIA has to offer. We want students to feel comfortable and to know that their presence matters. Participating in their groups and being together each day builds friendships and trust and helps everyone feel more connected.
If you have a previously scheduled appointment, etc that may require your child to miss any time, please let us know when you register.
Can I be placed in the same group as my friends?
We do our best to put each student with at least one friend! But you must let us know when you register.
Will I need to pack lunch for my child if they are attending SportsMania?
Yes! We have refrigerators for your child to store their lunch. Please make sure to label their name on their lunch bag!
What do you offer for preschoolers and students entering kindergarten?
This program is offered only to the children of our TECMANIA volunteers. We offer childcare for our babies and a preschool program for children, ages 3-kindergarten.
Can students entering 9th grade be leaders instead of participants?
Students entering grade 9 have the option to participate in Middle School Mania or volunteer in one of the morning programs. If students entering grade 9 choose to volunteer, they can serve as a leader in the nursery or preschool programs, or can be an assistant crew leader for the elementary program.
Students in grade 9 who stay for the afternoon must attend SportsMania as a participant even if they served as a leader for the morning program. Students must be entering 10th grade to be considered for a volunteer in Middle School Mania or Sportsmania.
Does serving at TECMANIA count toward community service hours?
Yes. Email Mat@TrinityNR.org.